And one funny picture
Patiently waiting for the bus
Today was Jack's first day of 4K. We are so lucky that our school started this program. He will go Monday-Thursday for three hours in the morning. The best part is (well, for me at least, especially in January!) is that the district is providing bus transportation for all the kids in the 4K program. Since the school is across the street (and through the woods), his morning ride is less than 5 minutes but his ride home is 30 minutes since he is one of the last kids dropped off. He was so brave this morning when it was time to get on the bus. He got on and sat down in the front row. I am so proud of him, he looked so scared but he didn't cry. I have to confess that this momma cried a little as she watched her baby ride away on the bus. I just can't believe that he is old enough to start school. I often wonder where the last 4-1/2 years went.
He had a great day at school and I managed to learn that "the sand was purple in the sand table", "I learned about swimming", "I decided not to paint", "We had goldfish for snack", "I talked just a little in circle time", "The potty isn't in the room, it's down the hall, and if you don't have to go potty you still have to wash your hands before snack", "I met an older friend" (later I learned that this is his bus buddy), and "I knew it was almost time for me to get off the bus at our house because we were going down the road we go on when we go on our long walk".
He looks so little and scared
My baby riding away on the bus
1 comment:
I cannot believe you got onto the bus and took his pic! That is so hilarious, but I would've killed my mom!
Glad he had a good day! So, does Elizabeth go to something too? So you have some open days to do your own stuff?
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