
Sunday, June 20, 2010

From 4 wheels to 2

We took the training wheels off Jack's bike today and with just a little help from daddy he successfully went from 4 wheels to 2 wheels. We had him riding on the driveway and then on the grass in case he fell. I need to buy some knee pads and then he is probably ready for the street. I am so proud of him!

Slippy Slide

The seemingly unending days of rain finally stopped and we have now been enjoying some beautiful weather. Elizabeth was so excited yesterday to get on her swim suit and play on the "slippy slide" (her words). We are loving summer and hope this beautiful weather stays!

Last day of school picture

Jack's last day of 4K was on June 3 and I am just getting around to posting his last day of school picture. I am not sure how the last few weeks have flown by so fast! He had a great year in school, he learned so much and I can't believe how much he grew and matured.


She really does have a bed she just prefers to fall asleep on the stairs after she sneaks out of her room. It was cute the first couple of times we found her, now, we have had to take drastic measures to keep her in her room so no more stair sleeping.