
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well, we are approaching the end of September and I have yet to post August pictures! Some day I will get organized enough to get back to the day-to-day updates. For now, I guess August and September will be a mass of pictures!

August went by too fast due in part to our vacation to Door County, a weekend in Chicago with friends, hosting my nieces for a week, and preparing for back-to-school. Here are a few pictures I captured over the month.

My little mama sporting her swim goggles

So proud that he finally captured a Monarch butterfly
Fun at Lego Land in Chicago

Jack built a truck out of his blocks...even equipped with a jump rope seat belt!

Space for Elizabeth to ride in the back!

So much fun with a gift bag. I am not crazy about the guns they made out of blocks but they were being my protectors and finding bad guys.

He was teaching her how to play checkers. Might be my favorite picture of the month!
Birthday love for Misha on her 9th birthday

A special bone for the best doggie ever on her 9th birthday
Jack and his friend Alex at Lego Land

A perfect rainbow from end to end-so big I couldn't capture it all in one picture. What a beautiful sight!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


She wanted Misha to read to her!

First tooth fairy visit!

Spent most Monday and Wednesday night at the soccer field. He made more goals than I could count over the season. So proud of his determination!

Kayaking in Door County

They could have spent all day every day at the beach!
I think I chose the hottest day in July for us to go strawberry picking. How can you resist a little girl with strawberry juice dripping down her chin and arms? And yes, I did dress them both in red since I had a scrapbook page already done for these pictures! I made my first batch of jam with the berries we picked. 19 jars total!

 Playing in their little pool...some day they will have a real one to spend all day in!
 Happy 4th! It was so nice to be at home this year!

 Keeping mommy cool by washing my feet!
 Misha the water dog! We can't keep her out of the water.
Making pesto with daddy!
I made cornstarch paint for Elizabeth. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be but definitely easier to clean up than normal paint!  

We love our new patio and fire pit!

The best thing about having a fire--Smores!

She definitely takes after her mama---a true animal lover!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well, summer is over and a new year of school has started and FINALLY my computer is back up and running. I thought I would do a quick highlight of our summer starting with the month of June.
Last day of Kindergarten! Let the summer fun begin!
 Little Gym graduation. We are so sad it is closed now.
She decided she wanted "boy" hair and so we said good bye to her long hair.

Spent a day at "The Farm" in Door County. Elizabeth loved feeding the goats, pigs, cows, ducks and cuddling the kittens. Jack's favorite was climbing the tractor with his friend Joey.

 Playing dress up!
Roses from my love to celebrate 11 years of marriage. We spent 4 days in Las Vegas at the end of June without kids. Sun, pool and sleep=Heaven!!!

Will update July and August in the next few days. And then I'll be caught up!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My hard drive crashed on our desk top a few weeks ago so please be patient while we get a new computer and I get pictures re-loaded. Thankfully, I think I only lost a minimal amount of photos because of our external hard drive, Shutterfly, and the fact that my memory card on my camera is so huge that I hadn't deleted photos in a few months! This has been a pain but a learning process to back up OFTEN! I have a lot of photos to update so will be back as soon as my computer is running again!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Is this picture proof that maybe they really do like each other despite the (almost) constant fighting between them? I guess I just need to savor these moments when they happen!

Bath picture

Recently I was looking through our photo albums of Elizabeth and I realized I had very few bath time pictures of her. I guess now bath time is more of a dreaded routine for me than the fun time it should be. The other night I was able to snap a few pictures of Elizabeth after her shower (I've been resorting to showers when Matt isn't home to help since it is so much easier!).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Science Fair

Jack participated in the science fair at his school at the end of March. It was so fun to do his project with him and to teach him more about the scientific method. There were only 28 students that participated in the fair but all the projects were wonderful! I'm so glad there is a science fair for him to participate in and am so thankful for the parent volunteers who put on the fair. Can you tell Jack's mommy is a scientist? I couldn't let him go with a poster that didn't include materials and methods (Matt was laughing at me when I was typing up the power point presentation!).
It was a great experience for Jack and he explained his project very well. He is already thinking about his project for next year's fair!


This is the view out our front door a few hours ago and this is why I am beginning to absolutely HATE Spring in Green Bay! Seriously, 10 inches of snow on April 19th? Mother Nature really must be mad! It was a mad dash this morning to get boots and snow pants back in the school bags. At least I was smart enough not to wash them yet!


Elizabeth has been taking a movement class for the last couple of months and LOVES it. Each Wednesday morning she out of bed and dressed in her dance outfit before I am even out of the shower and then asks for the next two hours (or so) "if it is time to go to dance class yet". Last week was picture day so I had a chance to bring my camera into the studio and snap a few pictures of her. I'm so glad she has found something she is so excited to do.