
Thursday, January 8, 2009


We've been having a few problems with Jack the last few months. At home, he's been a terrible listener, has been talking back and sometimes screaming at us, has temper tantrums and more time outs in a day than I can sometimes count. He won't play by himself and demands attention every waking minute or he misbehaves. We decided to start a reward chart for him several weeks ago and if he's good all day with no time outs, he gets a sticker. After 5 stickers, he gets to go to the Packer stadium to play the games inside, something he loves to do with Matt. It's been over 3 weeks and until yesterday he only had 3 stickers on his chart. I was definitely frustrated and at the end of my patience with him and seemed like I was yelling most of the day. I'm not proud of that, it just was the only way he would take me seriously. However, yesterday something must have clicked (or someone replaced him with a look-alike Jack) because he woke up happy, with no tantrums, he got dressed without complaining about what he was wearing, he ate breakfast with no freak outs, he made his bed without even being asked, and he shut the TV off after one cartoon like he's supposed to, on his own without me even asking. He got dressed and in the car without any problems and stayed in bed at nap time. He ate dinner without throwing a fit because he didn't like the food and went to bed nicely last night. Can you see how many time outs he usually can have in a day? Anyway, he was so proud of himself for being so good yesterday and you can see it in the picture I took. I gave him a few extra treats and lots of attention and cuddles and of course, he got his sticker. He's on his way to receiving another one today. Like I said, either someone took the real Jack in the middle of the night or all the parenting we've done has finally paid off (I'm hoping for the latter). Thanks Jack for having such a GREAT day!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The best part of winter

Jack and Elizabeth both got sleds from Santa and since then Jack has been asking everyday to go outside sledding. Of course, the temperature has been hovering around zero and we keep getting more snow (Green Bay had the most snow in recorded history in the month of December, I think close to 50 inches for the month) so I've been waiting for a day that Matt has off so he can bear the elements with Jack. We have a decent slope in the front yard which seemed to work well for a sledding hill. Despite the fun outside, I think Jack would agree that the best part of winter is the hot chocolate he gets to drink after playing outside.