
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Visiting Zuri and Hodari

Here are a couple of pictures from our first trip to the zoo this spring to feed our favorite giraffes, Zuri and Hodari. These pictures are a few weeks old which is why the kids are wearing jackets. Today, it was almost 90 degrees here! If you are wondering what Jack is holding it is a project that my nephew Max sent us for a couple of weeks. It is Flat Max based on the book Flat Stanley. We showed Flat Max our favorite places in the area and took pictures of each thing we did. I combined everything into a book and then sent it back to my nephew and his kindergarten class in Rochester. It was so fun and Jack and Elizabeth would fight over who got to hold Max for each picture.

My loves

No more untied shoes

Jack has successfully learned how to tie his shoes by himself. We've been practicing for awhile so he would be able do it by the time he started kindergarten so he wouldn't have to wear velcro shoes to school. I told him that he would run a lot faster in shoes with laces instead of velcro. He finally figured out how to put the steps together a couple of weeks ago. I admit, it is a bittersweet milestone for me. After tying his shoes for years, it is nice to just tell him to get his shoes on when needed; however, it is also another reminder that my little guy is growing up so quickly.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Take the time to stop and smell the flowers

We enjoyed an afternoon at the botanical garden last week and these pictures of Elizabeth and Jack reminded me how important it is to take the time to stop and smell the flowers. More pictures to come!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good friends

Love this picture of Elizabeth and her friend Ayla. They are such good friends and always have so much fun when they are together. Elizabeth always asks me "when is Ayla coming to play?" and we also think that Ayla has a small crush on a certain 5 year old boy that lives in our house.

No more pictures!

 Is this a sign that I took too many pictures of him when we were at the botanical garden last week?