
Monday, November 23, 2009

Peek-a- boo

Is there anything cuter than a little girl playing peek-a-boo by herself? I think not.


Matt and Jack were busy building with blocks this weekend. Here is one of their projects, a mommy and two baby dinosaurs. Later there were two more baby dinosaurs to add to the family, I missed getting the picture before they were destroyed.

Better off without a shirt

Elizabeth refused to let me help her to put on her shirt after lunch. After numerous tries, she finally decided it was more fun to run around without it (I wonder if she will think the same thing when it is -30 out!).

Terrible 2's

Can you tell from this picture that we are going through the terrible 2's?! Actually, Elizabeth is a delight most of the time with the exception of the no's and the tantrums when she doesn't get her way.

Lazy Friday

We love Friday mornings. Jack doesn't have school and I try not to plan anything so that we can enjoy one morning a week not having to rush to get out of the house and can instead enjoy a lazy morning in our jammies.

Future mama

Elizabeth has finally formed a bond with all of her babies. She loves to change their diapers and feed and rock them. Her favorite baby for awhile was her huge talking Elmo (this Elmo weighs a ton and she can hardly lift him). She would get so frustrated when she couldn't get him to open his mouth to feed him his bottle. It is so fun to watch her play mama and take care of all her babies.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Such a cutie

I couldn't resist posting this picture of our cutie...

Painting Pumpkins

We have been trying to spend as much time outdoors lately as possible since we have been having above normal temperatures and know that all too soon we will be spending a lot of time indoors. Elizabeth and Jack had so much fun painting their little pumpkins a few days before Halloween. I love how they are now both enjoying more of the same things and that they both love to paint (and kudos to whoever invented washable paint!).


Trying to get caught up....Here's Elizabeth practicing her "ta-das" after a forward roll and showing her silliness.