
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just a couple of pics

I know I'm biased but isn't he so cute?

And check out the look that Elizabeth is giving the camera...she is such a sassy girl!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Suction cups

Some of the ideas that Jack has make me laugh so hard.
Here is his latest great idea...
Jack "Daddy, I'm going to ask Santa Claus for some suction cups for Christmas next year".
Matt "Why Jack?"
Jack "So I can climb up the walls."

I'm in trouble if he's already trying to figure out how to climb the walls!

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Oh no mommy, not another one.."

I imagine that is what Elizabeth is thinking when another box arrives in the mail. I've been etsy shopping again and found this cute headband. Well, actually I bought a couple headbands as well as a tutu. So far, Elizabeth hates the tutu but she does not seem to mind the headbands. This is one perk of having a girl :)

He's going to make a good husband someday

One of chores Jack has to do every day is make his bed. I just had to take these pictures to remember how great of a job he does and how cute it is that he folds his two blue blankets and puts them at the end of his bed. It takes him about 5 minutes to fold the blankets. He's so careful and just keeps folding and folding until he can't fold them anymore.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Are you really going to make me wear this all day?

I just got this hat for Elizabeth a few days ago. I couldn't resist making her wear it today even though it is still a little too big. I wish I could take a picture of her smiling, but she was being so sassy today this was the best I could do.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


A quick picture since I'm supposed to be enjoying a mommy night without kids in my scrapbook room.
Here's Jack modeling the outfit that Mamaw Grandma and Papa gave him for Christmas. Isn't he stylin'? Too bad it's too cold here to go outside without a coat!

Monday, February 16, 2009

So loved

We had such a fun Valentine's Day. It was a great day and we were excited to spend it with Daddy. The kids loved their Valentine books and chocolate (for Jack). Jack and Elizabeth had fun modeling the sunglasses they got from "pop grandma". We enjoyed heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and pink cupcakes for dessert and lots of chocolate in between. I love these guys!

Baby Blues

Don't you love her giant blue eyes? How are we ever going to say no to her when she looks at us with those eyes? We are in trouble.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Elizabeth at 14 months

I took these pictures of Elizabeth almost 2 weeks ago, on her 14 month birthday. I wonder how the past year and 2 months have gone by so quickly. She is transforming into a toddler before my eyes, although in so many ways she is still a baby. She sleeps best only after enjoying a bottle before taking a nap or going to bed for the night. She still wakes up at least once most nights. She has been walking independently since a few days before her first birthday, but she still is unsteady and sometimes will crawl if she decides that will get her to where she wants faster. She has started climbing up the stairs, but gets scared halfway up and starts crying for someone to rescue her. She is still too afraid to try to go down them by herself. She loves to play on her zebra and sit like a big girl on the rocking chair. She is chattering up a storm and we can make out a few new words each week. She has "uh oh", "daddy (pronounced dadeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", and "gaga" down and when she's hungry or sees food she says "nana" and "nigh nigh" for her blanket and pacifier. When the phone rings she always thinks it is daddy so she screams "dadeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". Only occasionally do I hear "mama". She also has started signing for all done, more, and milk so understanding what she wants is getting easier. When we are getting ready to leave the house she will bring me her shoes to put on and she will try to put her hat on herself. One of the cutest things she does is when she wants lotion on her hands she brings me the bottle and then rubs her hands together. She loves to cuddle and immediately will lie her head on my shoulder when I pick her up. She is frugal with her kisses and thinks that is funny. She has the most radiant smile and the cutest giggle and a temper that can compete with an adult when angry. I know it’s only a matter of time when the gray area between baby and toddler becomes more clearly defined and until then I just want to enjoy every minute of my baby.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beautiful day...finally

I fully intended to post something with pictures today while Jack and Elizabeth were at school. However, the weather was so beautiful (high in the mid-50's and so much SUN!), that instead I decided to take Misha on a much deserved walk. After school, Jack and I played outside while Elizabeth napped. He was so tired after being outside that he is sound asleep already. I truly have spring fever, although I know that we still have a lot of winter left. For now, I'm savoring the rare February weather and the fact that I had one winter day that I did not have to wrestle Elizabeth to get on her hat and mittens.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wii Fun

Matt's parents surprised us with a Wii for Christmas and boy are we having fun. Jack is so competitive and loves to play the sports games. He is a "pro" bowler and often scores higher than Matt, loves to box, is learning how to play golf, and can hit the baseball out of the park. I'm amazed at how quickly he has figured out the Wii remote; he even tells me how to use it. Playing Wii is a great way for Jack to burn energy when it's too cold to be outside and also a great reward for when he's been on his best behavior. If he is being "naughty" the first thing he asks is if he gets to play the Wii with Matt. We are having Wii fun!

Playing in the snow

I'm back from my blogging hiatus. I was trying to decide if it is worth my time to keep our blog, especially since the only time I can update it is when both kids are sleeping which should be my time to relax, get caught up, or waste away the time on Facebook (ha!ha!).

Anyway, it was fairly warm this past weekend (and by that I mean highs in the low 20's with a lot of wind). It is scary that I think 20's is warm. Matt had the weekend off so we decided to take the kids outside sledding. Of course, it took 15 minutes to get them dressed and I'm not even sure we were outside that long. But, we had fun sledding down the little hill in our yard and then enjoyed some hot cocoa to warm up inside. Here are some pictures of our fun in the snow (yes, I think Matt and I are the only people in Green Bay with red coats-ha!).