
Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Daddy, I want a cricket"

I just had to post this conversation that Matt and Jack had tonight when Jack was supposed to be in bed sleeping.

Jack: "Daddy do you hear that noise?"
Matt: "What noise? Elizabeth's fan?"
Jack: "No"
Matt: "Elizabeth's music?"
Jack: "No". That noise, it is keeping me up"
Matt: "Where do you hear it at?"
Jack takes Matt to his window and says "that noise, it's scary"
Matt: "It's not scary, it's a cricket"
Jack: "Crickets are scary"
Matt: "No they aren't"
Jack: "Yes it is, it's scary"
Matt: "No it's not, crickets are like earthworms. Are earthworms scary?"
Jack: "No"
Matt: "Crickets aren't scary"
Jack: "Daddy, I want a cricket"
Matt: "No you don't, crickets are boring. All they do is make that noise"

I guess Matt convinced Jack that crickets aren't scary because he was sound asleep probably dreaming of his pet cricket when I checked him :)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Don't let him do it, I talked my mom into it one summer and the cricket and his home stunk up my bedroom something horrible.