Just saw this on a friends blog (great idea Kristin!), and thought I would give it a try here even though there are only a few people who leave comments. I'm kind of in a state of self pity right now since I can't seem to meet anyone in this city and I wonder when/if I ever will. Anyway, to help with my loneliness follow the instructions below. I can't wait to read the comments and share mine with you.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Daddy, I want a cricket"
I just had to post this conversation that Matt and Jack had tonight when Jack was supposed to be in bed sleeping.
Jack: "Daddy do you hear that noise?"
Matt: "What noise? Elizabeth's fan?"
Jack: "No"
Matt: "Elizabeth's music?"
Jack: "No". That noise, it is keeping me up"
Matt: "Where do you hear it at?"
Jack takes Matt to his window and says "that noise, it's scary"
Matt: "It's not scary, it's a cricket"
Jack: "Crickets are scary"
Matt: "No they aren't"
Jack: "Yes it is, it's scary"
Matt: "No it's not, crickets are like earthworms. Are earthworms scary?"
Jack: "No"
Matt: "Crickets aren't scary"
Jack: "Daddy, I want a cricket"
Matt: "No you don't, crickets are boring. All they do is make that noise"
I guess Matt convinced Jack that crickets aren't scary because he was sound asleep probably dreaming of his pet cricket when I checked him :)
Jack: "Daddy do you hear that noise?"
Matt: "What noise? Elizabeth's fan?"
Jack: "No"
Matt: "Elizabeth's music?"
Jack: "No". That noise, it is keeping me up"
Matt: "Where do you hear it at?"
Jack takes Matt to his window and says "that noise, it's scary"
Matt: "It's not scary, it's a cricket"
Jack: "Crickets are scary"
Matt: "No they aren't"
Jack: "Yes it is, it's scary"
Matt: "No it's not, crickets are like earthworms. Are earthworms scary?"
Jack: "No"
Matt: "Crickets aren't scary"
Jack: "Daddy, I want a cricket"
Matt: "No you don't, crickets are boring. All they do is make that noise"
I guess Matt convinced Jack that crickets aren't scary because he was sound asleep probably dreaming of his pet cricket when I checked him :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Day at the Zoo
Friday, July 4, 2008
Little Firecracker
Happy 4th of July! We just finished watching the local show from our bedroom-we had the best seat in town, no mosquitoes, and I could put Jack right back in bed when the show was over. However, we also live in a state where fireworks are legal so Jack just came back down and announced there was another show to watch from his bedroom (one of our neighbors). I told him he could lay in his bed and watch (it's 10 pm now and his bedtime is normally 7:30-8). We are hoping he sleeps in past 5 am tomorrow. Our little firecracker, Elizabeth, also enjoyed the show. She was much happier today (probably because both of her bottom teeth came in today) and looked adorable in her "little firecracker" t-shirt (thanks auntie Sara).
I just put Elizabeth down for a nap and had to cover her up with 2 blankets because her room was so cold. When Jack took his shirt off to eat lunch he complained that he was too cold. It is 73 in our house right now and we have the windows open. I can't believe it is the 4th of July and the weather is so great. Forecast high for today is 75 (with full sun). I love this weather and the free "air conditioning". Is it this nice everywhere today???
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A day in Door County
My parents were in town last weekend so we took a quick day trip to Door County. It was a sunny and cool day and we enjoyed a little shopping, walking along the water looking at the boats, and eating fudge and ice cream (Jack's favorite part of the day). I'm attaching a few pictures we took. I love the ones where Jack is sitting in front of the bait and tackle shop "meeting" Nan and Jerry.
He finally warmed up to Jerry by the end of the photo session! We wrapped up the day enjoying a piece Door County cherry pie before bed (don't even try counting the calories we consumed that day!).
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
7 months
I'm in a little bit of denial that our baby girl is now 7 months old (month sixth of her life was pretty crazy with the move and the unpacking) and am having a hard time moving her into her 6-9 month wardrobe. She is still cutting her first tooth and to put it nicely she is a bear (although I don't blame her, it looks painful). She has figured out that by rolling she can get anywhere she wants and she has no interest in sitting. She will now play contently for a few minutes by herself and loves to look at her brother. She giggles with delight when she sees him. I always wanted a baby that was a mommy's girl but now I am eating my words. Elizabeth is the most content when I am holding her and she refuses to fall asleep on her own. She can be perfectly happy playing by herself but if I walk into the room or she hears my voice she will start to cry. Tonight we tried to let her cry herself to sleep and after 30 minutes I picked her up. Matt commented today that it feels like we have a newborn still because she is up several times (as much as 6) times a night and will only take little 'catnaps' during the day. She still has the craziest hair and the biggest thighs and she loves to be tickled. Here's hoping to more sleep in month seven.
We found a nearby park and spent Sunday afternoon playing there. Here is a picture I took of Elizabeth at the park on her seven month birthday.
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