"Neno" -definition: cuddling at bedtime. Invented by Jack when he was just learning how to talk.
I love his made up word and that he still loves to "neno" with his mommy before bed. He now thinks it is funny to hide from me while he is waiting for his neno. Last night I was out watering when Matt put him to bed. I came inside to neno and got distracted when I was telling Matt about one of the houses in our neighborhood going to auction next week (yes, our neighborhood is a perfect example of the housing crisis in the US). When I finally went upstairs to neno Jack he wasn't in his bed. I found him sound asleep on the floor "hiding from me". It was too cute of a moment not to capture with a picture and a good reminder to me how much this little guy looks forward to his neno from mommy and that I should neno first before I get distracted and he falls asleep waiting.
1 comment:
So sweet. Did you have to wake him to get him into bed?
Oh, the house we bought was going to auction if we hadn't bought it and our former neighbors did get auctioned--crazy!
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