Is there anything cuter than a girl with her hair in pig tails?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
"One woman, one purse?"
"One woman, one purse" is one of Matt's most famous quotes. Luckily, he bites his lip when I declare that it is time for a new spring, summer, fall or winter purse. Judging from these pictures today, I think Elizabeth is going to follow my line of thinking instead of her daddy's!
More updates soon-- I'm on a mad cleaning spree today while the kids are at Children's Day Out!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Lost treasure
Jack has been infatuated with pirates and treasure hunting lately, so Matt decided to organize a treasure hunt in order to locate the "lost treasure of Sedona Circle". Matt told Jack that when we moved here a pirate gave him a treasure map but said he was unable to find the lost treasure. One of my favorite things about our new house is the fact that we don't have any neighbors on any side of us. We have empty lots to the east and west, the woods to the north, and golf course to the south, making our location perfect for a treasure hunt. On Sunday afternoon, we decided to use the map to find the "lost" treasure. When we asked Jack what he thought the treasure was he replied, "pirate stuff, money, chocolate and a diamond for mommy." After studying the map with Matt, Jack led us to all the geographic landmarks on the map and eventually to the lost treasure of chocolate coins and some money (no diamond for mommy though!).
Perfect day to go to the zoo
It's gorgeous here today! Although the temperature has yet to hit 60 (it's currently 58 degrees), it is sunny and warm. I took advantage of the beautiful morning to take Jack and Elizabeth to the NEW zoo. We met a couple of friends there and had a fun time. We met the three new baby lions, fed the giraffes, got up close and personal to an African tortoise, touched a Dragon lizard, and befriended a peacock. What a great morning spent at the zoo!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
Just a boy and a pile of dirt
I found a great way to wear them out...
Not a morning person
A thumbs up birthday party
We finished off Jack's 4th birthday celebration last week with a party with 14 of his friends at The Little Gym. What a great time! The kids enjoyed running, swinging, and jumping in the gym and I enjoyed watching them (and enjoyed a Starbucks Mocha) while the gym teachers did all the entertaining. All I had to do was provide the cake, ice cream and party favors. How easy! The kids ran around the gym for an hour and then we had cake and ice cream. What a fun way to celebrate Jack's 4th birthday. We've made some really nice friends in the short time we have been in Green Bay. Here are a few pictures of his party. Jack thought it was a thumbs up party!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What does a 4 year old want for his birthday dinner?
We told Jack he could plan the menu for his birthday dinner and here is what he chose...
"Mato" soup
Cheetos, of course!
Chicken nuggets
Watermelon (he's never had it before)
"To drink out of a coconut"
And of course, we ended the night with a cupcake (yellow of course!)
A glimpse of Jack at age 4
Jack celebrated his 4th birthday last week. I can't believe he is four. It seems like yesterday I was holding him in the hospital, a scared new mommy. I remember bringing him home from the hospital and counting the minutes until my mom could come help us. The first time Matt and I (yes, it took two of us) changed his diaper at home, he peed on us and then we didn't have the diaper on well so he next peed all over his clothes and crib. Within 10 minutes of having him home we had to wash everything!
Obviously, we have come a long way in the last 4 years. Jack is such a joy, most of the time. :) He has really grown up this past year.
Here's a glimpse of Jack at age 4:
He's now so independent and can do most things himself. He's so inquisitive and wants to know how everything works. His vocabulary is expanding and gone are the days where he mispronounces most words. I've stopped correcting him when he says "I begot" instead of "I forgot" or "memember" instead of "remember" since I know those soon he will correct on his own and the days of baby talk will be long gone. He still is such a small guy, weighing in at exactly 30 pounds on his fourth birthday. He's more concerned with playing than with eating. He often tells me that he chose to skip snack at preschool in order to keep playing in the block area. However, he does love Cheetos and anything chocolate. We often bribe him with chocolate in order to get him to eat all the food on his plate. His favorite color is yellow and his favorite things to do are play soccer with daddy and ride his motorcycle big wheel. He is a self-proclaimed artist, although rarely does he choose to participate in the art activity at school. He never misses a "neno" (his word for cuddle) at bed time with mommy and daddy and he told me his favorite song is "the neno song" (a song I made up for him). When he grows up he wants to be a doctor and a worker man and thinks that he will be very busy with two jobs.
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