
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"...

We spent the weekend putting up the tree and trying to get ready for Christmas. I think this is the first year that Jack really knows what Christmas is about and of course, he's excited about Santa coming. He asks me everyday if it is Christmas Eve yet and how is Santa going to get in our house since we have a fireplace without a chimney (I told him I'd leave the door unlocked). He also asked me if the reindeer will be cold, and told me that Santa won't be cold because he has a big beard to pull over his face. Sometimes it is hard to keep a straight face when he is telling me all his thoughts about Santa. It's hard to believe Christmas is almost here. It feels like it is January outside with the -30 plus windchill and the predicted foot of snow to arrive later this week. I tried to get a good picture of Jack and Elizabeth in their matching Christmas pajamas and after 23 pictures this is the best one I got.

1 comment:

carriefish said...

At least you'll have a White Christmas! That's what we're looking forward to next year. The jammies are cute (and so are the kiddos!)