
Saturday, February 12, 2011

January and early February highlights

Jack was excited when he saw these deer out our front door the other day. In total, there were 7 and they ended up crossing the street and hanging out in our empty lot. I am hoping they found the pumpkins we put out there for them to eat and not my landscaping!

She loves to help me vacuum!

I spent most of December and January preparing for an author to visit Jack's school. Barbara Techel, author of Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog, and her dog, Frankie, gave a presentation at the end of January to the entire school. A local Starbucks graciously donated hot cocoa for all the kids to enjoy. The afternoon was a big hit for the students and was worth all the hours I spent preparing for it.

Elizabeth modeling her new hat

I found this puzzle at Barnes and Noble and knew that it would be perfect for my family to attempt at our Christmas gathering over New Year's. It is a 2000 piece puzzle of one of the villages comprising the Cinque Terre on the Italian Riviera. It was part of our Italian tour in September and we spent a day cruising in and out of each village. It was absolutely beautiful and I hope to take Matt there in the future. I knew when I saw the puzzle that we had to attempt it. After working on it over New Year's with my family, Matt and I spent countless hours in January working on it and finally finished it the night before the Super Bowl (we needed the kitchen table for our party!).This picture was taken in early January, a few days after we started the puzzle.

Jack and Elizabeth have fun playing dress up with the fun accessories in the suitcase that Elizabeth got from Grandma Ryan for Christmas. I know that I can use these pictures to black mail Jack when he's a teenager!!

She had been begging me all morning to paint so I moved her easel into my scrapbook room and let her create. She lasted an HOUR. Yes, an entire hour she painted and was just thrilled with each creation she made.

Best way to keep her happy and entertained---giver her a bunch of stickers!

 Jack was the Star Student of his kindergarten class this past week. Yesterday, Matt, Elizabeth and I went to watch the Star in action. It was cute watching him make decisions for his class, like who got to be dismissed first, etc. Jack wanted Matt to share his doctor "tools" with the class and I read a book and told them about my old life as a scientist (new life as mommy is probably not as exciting!). Here is our Star in front of the star student board.

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