
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We have taken the supplies to school. He has a new back pack and lunch box. We met his teacher and he knows where his classroom is and what bus to ride. I know he is ready for kindergarten. But, is this mama ready for her baby to be gone all day? 8 hours is such a long time. I am going to miss all his questions, miss hearing "Hey Mommy" 1000 times a day, miss the random hugs and kisses and hearing "you rock mommy" when I do something totally cool, and I will definitely miss my favorite checkers partner. 5 years seems like such a long time when they are tiny babies. In reality, it goes by all too fast. Sure, I am excited for him to go and I can't wait to hear about his days, his new friends, and all he has learned. I am just not sure I am ready to watch the yellow bus take my first born to school in the morning. I know I will be standing at the curb wiping the tears as the bus leaves my sight. If the last 5 years have gone this fast then surely the next 12 will go even faster, and then I will be wiping the tears as I send him off to college.

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